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Scope of Services:

  • Beespoke Design UK (The Designer) agrees to provide graphic design services as detailed in the item description agreed by the client and The Designer, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope.


Project Timeline:

  • Design services will commence upon receipt of a 50% deposit.

  • The first draft will be provided in line with the timeline agreed in the project description or such other time as agreed in writing.


Payment Terms:

  • The Client agrees to pay the total fee in full within 14 days of the signed-off artwork.

  • In the event of late payment, a one-time late fee of 20% may be applied.


Amendments and Timeline Adjustments:

  • Two rounds of amendments are included; however, the number of amendments may impact the final artwork's due date. (Small amendments, such as typos or minor word changes, will count towards your two amendments.)

  • Delays caused by the Client may result in timeline adjustments.

  • Additional amendments will be charged at £50 per hour.


Client Communication:

  • The Designer will provide drafts for the client's review and feedback.

  • It is the full responsibility of the client to ensure all content is correct before sign-off. Sign-off must be in writing.

  • Response times are expected to be within two working days.


Intellectual Property and Usage Rights:

  • The Designer retains ownership of all intellectual property rights until payment is received in full, for a completed project, only then will the client own all intellectual property.

  • The Designer has the right to showcase the project in their portfolio and promotional materials.



  • Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary or sensitive information shared during the project.


Termination and Cancellation:

  • Either party may terminate the agreement with five days' written notice.

  • The Client may cancel the project, subject to the payment of a proportionate fee based on work completed and agreed-upon milestones. All intellectual property in relation to the project will remain the property of The Designer



  • The Designer’s liability under this contract is limited to the value of the fee

Force Majeure:

  • Neither party shall be liable for delays or failure to perform due to circumstances beyond their control.


Agreement Modification:

  • Any changes to this agreement must be in writing and agreed upon by both parties. Notifications of agreement modifications shall be delivered via email.

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